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Responses displayed by Ask Finsie are automatically generated by a language generation algorithm. Text displayed here is solely intended to match users with a qualified professional and produce conversation-starting questions for that professional to assist in a one-on-one setting.

No part of this text should be construed as financial or investment guidance. Ask Finsie is not a substitute for recommendations given by a financial professional. Finsie Finance, LLC does not provide investment recommendations.

The chatbot is AI-generated and intended to generate financial ideas which can then be discussed with a human advisor. While efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy and appropriateness of the responses, errors may occur. Like other AI technologies, it has limitations such as its lack of awareness of the world and events occurring after 2021. It is also unable to offer comprehensive insights and lacks the inherent common sense that a human possesses, along with other constraints. If you notice any inadequate or inappropriate responses, please notify us immediately at support@finsie.com. Remember, investing carries inherent risks and past performance is not indicative of future results.